MSPA AP - تحديث المشاركة والرعاية

MSPA AP - Sharing and Caring - Update

The MSPA AP Board held 6 rounds of meetings with members of AP Member countries. The response was great and the suggestions received on the steps MSPA AP can take to support its members are well noted.

Thank you to all the members who participated in the regional meetings to share with each other how you all are managing in the current situation and suggest steps on how you think MSPA AP can help all its members.

Summary of the meeting notes across all countries of Asia Pacific along with the steps being planned by MSPA AP to be implemented some immediately and some in the next 6-8 weeks have been shared with each member.

Look forward to your active participation in the next round of Regional meetings.

We are all in this together and will come out of it soon. Stay Safe and Healthy.

Summary of the meeting notes is also uploaded on the secure members section for your easy refrence